Our office has unfortunately been impacted by Ex Tropical Cyclone Alfred. 

Phone lines are down and have limited network coverage,  however all other operations are up and running!

Please direct all enquiries to admin@careersevent.com until this is rectified.

We apologise for any inconvenience!

Introducing CareersEvent.com

CareersEvent.com, formerly Interchange Consultancy Group established in 1995, is a professional event management company
specialising solely in Career Expo’s. Our vast experience/expert knowledge and an extensive database ensures we deliver successful Careers Expo’s.

CareersEvent.com delivers the latest, up to date Career opportunities available in Australia.

Our 14th Annual Toowoomba Careers Expo is the longest running and largest Career Expo in the Toowoomba region.

Our 44th annual Brisbane TSXPO is the longest running and largest Tertiary Studies and Careers Expo in Australia.

Our 23rd annual Sunshine Coast and 21st annual Townsville Careers Expo‘s are the longest running and largest Career Expo’s in their regions.

We are proud to be running our 3rd annual Mackay Careers Expo on the 7th August and Darwin Careers Expo on the 12th August, 2025.

 Our website’s library of Webinars is now used extensively amongst schools all year round.

The transitional period from school to work can be a daunting time for our youth. Our events help students explore a wide range of academic and career opportunities to discover a future that is right for them.

With inspirational talks, topical seminars, application process advice and interactive stands, we deliver an event experience like no other. What’s more, current student representatives are on hand to discuss what it’s really like to study a particular subject, the perfect opportunity to ask those questions
Google cannot answer.

Careers News

analytical jobs
Careers Hub

Like Solving Problems? Top Jobs For Analytical Thinkers

Analytical thinking is a highly valued skill that involves examining complex problems, breaking them down into smaller components, and analysing data to identify patterns and make informed decisions. If you have a knack for solving problems and enjoy working with data and logical reasoning, there are numerous career opportunities that

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Careers Hub

Know Your Rights: Part-time and Casual Employment Rights

In today’s modern workforce, many individuals work part-time or casual jobs. While these employment arrangements offer flexibility and convenience, it is essential to understand the rights and entitlements that come with them.  What is a part-time worker? A part-time worker is an employee who works between 8-38 hours per week.

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Careers Hub

5 of The Best Jobs For Extroverts

What is an extrovert? Extroverts are naturally outgoing, energetic and enjoy being around others. They are “the life of the party” and thrive in social situations. For most extroverts, work is more than just a job but an opportunity to connect with others and make an impact. If this sounds

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